LEAD GREEN TRANSITION: Use clusters as intermediaries to support the green transition

Policy toolkit item

Small Business Vouchers (SBV) 

The Small Business Vouchers (SBV) programme small businesses focused on clean energy with access to national lab. The programme has simple contracting processes, transparent lab practices and practical access to lab facilities. The objectives are to give U.S. clean energy small businesses a...

Policy toolkit item


BioInnovation is a strategic innovation support scheme financed by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas. The main objective is to create the best possible conditions for increasing the pace of innovation. BioInnovation's platfom connects ideas, actors and capital to create competitive and...

Policy toolkit item

Korean New Deal Fund

The Korean government established 3 funds to achieve the Korean New Deal objectives of 1) creating jobs in traditional and newly emergying digital /green sectors, 2) build infrastrucutres for a digital/green transition, 3) transform South Korea into a leader economically post-COVID-19. It is...

Policy toolkit item

Korea Green Innovation Days (KGID)

Hosted by Korea's Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Korea Green Growth Trust Fund, and the World Bank Group, the 2-day annual event brings together leading public authorities, academics, and industry representatives to build and share knowlegde and promote domestic and international networking...

Policy toolkit item

Covasna Business Incubator, Center Region

The incubated companies benefit from logistical, financial support, office space and consulting and training services (both common and specific), meant to support them in the development of their business. Among the specialised services offered by the incubator administrator, both in the pre...

Policy toolkit item


The Council for the Economic Development of Constuction (CDEC) launched Neobuild in 2011, the first and unique cluster for sustainable construction in Luxembourg. Neobuild focuses specifically on high environmental and energy performance of buildings. To this regard, it helps its members develop...

Policy toolkit item

Tokyo 'Beyond-Zero' Week

Tokyo “Beyond-Zero” Week features six leading international conferences organised and hosted by Japan (ICEF2020, RD20, TCFD summit 2020, LNG Producer-Consumer Conference 2020, International Conference on Carbon Recycling 2020, Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting 2020). Each conference offers a forum...

Policy toolkit item

Global Zero Emission Research Center

The Global Zero Emission Research Center was established by the National Instititue of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), an independent government agency under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in 2020. The research center conducts joint studies with research institutes...

Policy toolkit item

Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme

The Government of India (GoI) has upscaled the Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS) for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to reduce waste in the manufacturing process and improve global competitiveness in the MSME sector. The outcome of implementing lean manufacturing...

Policy toolkit item

SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection

The SME Initiative has the objective to help SMEs in improving their energy efficiency and target their energy saving potential while at the same time ensuring their competitiveness. SMEs are considered important actors for the energy transition as they are pioneering and driving development...

Policy toolkit item

Circular Economy Project Management System

The CEPM has been developed by the French Standardisation Association (AFNOR). Its objective is to help companies to grasp the circular economy concept and implement circular economy projects. The main beneficiaries are companies, who can purchase it for around EUR 260. The document proposes a 3 x 7...

Policy toolkit item

State aid programme for the system of stimulating the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration

The strategy aims to reduce dependence on energy imports, improving energy sector sustainability, improving the macro-economic situation with energy investments in line with national and EU strategies. The strategy reduces climate change effects and CO2 emissions, as renewable energy transition...