Last update date 12 November 2021

Description of measure

BioInnovation is a strategic innovation support scheme financed by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas. The main objective is to create the best possible conditions for increasing the pace of innovation. BioInnovation's platfom connects ideas, actors and capital to create competitive and bio-based materials, products and services; also creating new bio-based materials, products and services. Concrete actions: creating new forms of collaboration; Creating systematic learning; creating the conditions for decision makers to make informed choices that support the conversion to a bioeconomy. Main beneficiaries are companies, researchers and organisations. The main success factor of BioInnovation is that it supports Sweden to convert to a bioeconomy by 2050 by supporting strong co-operative industry and across disciplines collaborations. This measure does not directly target clusters but has the potential to facilitate their set-up and development.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support