financial support

Support programme

Ecodesign Projects Programme in the Basque country

Support for ecodesign projects aims to encourage product and service designs with a lower environmental impact throughout their life cycle: more durable and easier to maintain, repair, upgrade and remanufacture. Projects aimed at the redesign of existing products or services, the design of new...
Support programme

Basque Clean Technologies List

The Basque Clean Technologies List is a fiscal instrument to promote sustainable development in SMEs and facilitate the application of Basque environmental policy, through technology transfer and implementation of equipment with better environmental performance. Innovative clean technologies are...
Support programme

WPIF - Waste Prevention Implementation Fund

Funded by the Scottish Government, SMEs in the food and drink, construction, commercial and industrial sectors can access finance up to a maximum of £100 000 (~€ 113 000) for waste-prevention measures. Supported projects include, for example: recycling bins, material balers, crushers, shredders...
Support programme

Circular Economy Investment Fund

The £18 million (~€ 20 million) fund, administered by Zero Waste Scotland, offers investment for SMEs based in Scotland, and supports work that will deliver circular economy growth. It is supported by the European Regional Development Fund through the £ 73 million (~€ 82 million) Resource Efficiency...
Support programme

Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020

The Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment is operated by the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development. The programme supports low-carbon economy initiatives, environmental protection, adaptation to climate change, transport and energy security. In particular, the following...
Support programme

Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020

A national operational programme financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and operated by Ministry of Economic Development. The main objective of the programme is to boost innovation in the Polish economy primarily by increasing expenditure on R&D and innovation by businesses. The...
Support programme

Pro-innovation services

A fund to stimulate pro-innovative services linked to national smart specialisation. Linked to accredited Innovation Centres, supported measures include product or process innovation of technological nature, co-financed up to 70 %. Total budget for the programme: PLN 81 million (~€ 19 million) for...
Support programme

Implementing innovative environmental technologies

The SOKÓŁ programme helps companies develop or implement innovative environmental technologies that reduce the impact of their plants, installations and equipment on the environment, as part of their national smart specialisation measures. Supported measures: high efficiency, low-emission and...
Support programme

E-Kumulator - Ecological Accumulator for Industry

The aim of the Ecological Accumulator for Industry (E-Kumulator) programme is to reduce the negative impact of projects on the environment through investment activities. This includes reduced consumption of primary raw materials (as part of production) by replacing them with recyclable materials or...
Support programme


SlovSEFF is a sustainable energy financing facility developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Its latest extension, co-funded by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain, provides a credit line...
Support programme

Call promoting renewable greenhouse gas production

The aim of this call, launched in the framework of the national Szechenyi 2020 programme, is to encourage deployment of decentralised, environmentally friendly renewable energy sources, by installing co-generation systems exceeding 4 MW of built-in power. The scheme targets companies of any size...
Support programme

GIF - green loans

The Danish Green Investment Fund (GIF) is an independent state fund for co-financing economically viable projects that facilitate and support sustainable development in the country. Privately-held companies, non-profit housing associations, and public-sector companies and institutions (with budgets...