

Without any doubt, “energy living labs” play a crucial role in this last mile to the market.

These living labs are state-of-the-art, open nnovation ecosystems where energy technologies are tested and improved in real interaction with end users and in real interaction with other components. After this phase, the innovations are ready for a go-to-market.

What and who will you find at Energy Mission – Empowered by living labs?

GEMSTONE - call for Financial support for Innovation - GREENINNOV

GEMSTONE Call – GreenInnov aims to support SMEs in the exploration and development of an advanced green solution for industries. The instrument GreenInnov supports the development of a new green technology, service, product or production process with focus on prototyping in an industrial environment. Up to 5 projects will obtain support up to €60,000 per project. GreenInnov financial support aims to fund the following type of activities (TRL 5-6): 1. Prototype development; Technical prototyping; Technical testing, and market testing; Prototype/System integration design and development...

GEMSTONE - call for Financial support for Innovation - GREENADOPT

GEMSTONE Call – GreenAdopt aims to facilitate the adoption of green smart solution by industrial European SMEs. The ambition of the call is to foster the implementation of a new green technology, service, product or business production process in a real operational environment. Proposals will aim at implementing functional solution and demonstrate the green transition of the SMEs. Up to 15 projects will obtain support up to €40,000 per project. GreenAdopt financial support aims to fund the following type of activities: 1. Validation or/and demonstration of a solution, product, process, service...



The REC-N-COMP partnership organises an exploratory mission to Singapore. This mission will take place during Singapore Design Week, and will support European small/medium enterprises active in the composites sector, and recycled materials. Coverage of travel expenses is provided to facilitate access to the mission.

The selected companies for Singapore are: