The European Commission – under the Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" 2014-20202 - launched a call aiming at mobilising existing network(s) of mainstream business incubators to expand their outreach to inclusive and social entrepreneurship. Through a series of activities such as the production and diffusion of relevant information materials; study visits and exchange of good practices; trainings, webinars, seminars, conferences, etc; awareness and dissemination actions, the funded action is expected to:

Under the programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (COSME), the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has launched a new call for "Social economy missions" to extend the exististing inter-regional collaboration in the field of social economy. The aims is to:

Call for Proposals: Social Economy Missions

Under the programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (COSME), the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) has launched a new call for "Social economy missions" to extend the exististing inter-regional collaboration in the field of social economy. The aims is to: Enhance interaction and improve collaboration between existing social economy networks and stakeholders at regional and local level in the field of priorities of “Social economy missions” Boost inter-regional learning between social economy stakeholders (public and...

Promising COVID-19 vaccine candidate from Slovakian biotech company AXON Neuroscience

Submitted by Veronika Muller on 13 April 2020.

AXON Neuroscience, a clinical-stage biotech company and an industry leader in treating and preventing neurodegenerative diseases, is developing a promising vaccine candidate against COVID-19. Based in Bratislava, Axon has over 20 years of experience in development of safe and immunogenic peptide vaccines. Its well-established scalable technology enabled the company to join quickly the global race...

Open source technical specifications: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

The University College London (UCL), in collaboration with Mercedes-AMG HPP and University College London Hospital (UCLH), has developed a new breathing aid: a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device. The CPAP supports patients with breathing difficulties. It works by pushing an air-oxygen mix into the mouth and nose at a continuous pressure, keeping airways open and increasing the...

The role of social economy & civil society in the fight against COVID-19

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

Social economy and civil society are key actors when it comes to quick and local responses to crises like that inflicted by the COVID-19 outbreak. These responses often come in the shape of ad-hoc solutions and social innovations, building on the foundations of their everyday activities: Local social services of aid and support: food-banks, mobilizing volunteers, setting up platforms (offline and...

Matchmaking for 3D printing: 3DP PAN EU

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

3DP PAN EU is an EU-wide web-based matchmaking tool connecting supply and demand in the field of 3D printing. The platform was originally designed to map 3DP test and demonstration facilities in the EU. Now, in the face of the corona virus crisis, it also allows matchmaking between 3DP production facilities and companies/organisations in need. While many of those initiatives meanwhlie exist on the...

Protection against COVID-19 cyber threats from the Basque Cybersecurity Center

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

In recent weeks, the number of cyber threats that use Covid-19 as a pretext has increased significantly. It is essential to remain vigilant and adopt good practices to prevent exposure to these threats. This is why the Basque Cybersecurity Center (BCSC), the reference center for cybersecurity in the Basque region, has published a series of tips and good practices to deal with this situation...

Catalonia: Channeling offers through an online platform

Submitted by Carolina Turcato on 09 April 2020.

The regional government of Catalonia, Spain, has deployed an online platform to channel all offers of collaboration from companies, individuals and other entities. Whenever services, materials or (medical) products are getting scarce, the government can quickly reach out to the registered contacts who can provide the needed goods or services. There are four different categories to channel the...


An existing call for emergency management has been recently updated in the face of the corona crisis with an increased budget (EUR 13 million) under OP Environment Quality (ESIF). The call is primarily intended for the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and organisations under MoI SR (e.g. integrated rescue systems), but also for self-governing regions, municipalities and associations of municipalities. The main activity has to be focused on the reduction of negative impacts related to the spread of COVID-19. Supported sub-activities are as follows: A1: Optimissation of systems and...