Chemical free cleaning

Best practices

Eco-friendly hostel in Estonia

Circular economy, the Green Key to being more eco-friendly Small hostel finds simple and cost-effective eco-friendly measures make all the difference in the circular economy Measures covering everything from energy, mobility, waste, training, and more For Looming, an eco-friendly hostel located in...
Best practices

Ice pigging in dairies

What's in a name? Dairies explored benefits of employing ice pigging in their production cycles Results showed substantial cost and environmental savings Yeo Valley Farms and BV Dairy in the UK explored cost-effective and environmental alternatives to clean their lines after production. They carried...
Best practices

Reduced use of chemicals in a hotel

Green and lean still keeps hotel clean For small hotels, meeting Ecolabel criteria can be a call to action An opportunity to use green alternative cleaning agents and review the volumes needed while maintaining high cleanliness standards Casale Romano is an Italian hotel based on an 11-hectare...
Best practices

Green cleaning in place (CIP)

Green cleaning in place, or Green CIP for short, is a technology enabling the re-use of caustic soda during parts cleaning in food and drink production. The principle is that pipes and tanks are flushed through with hot alkali (instead of cold water) as a first step, resulting in a liquid which is...
Best practices

Optimisation of cleaning-in-place systems

Since the 1950s, clean-in-place (CIP) systems have been reliably used to clean inside surfaces of tanks and pipelines in liquid process equipment to avoid costly downtime associated with lengthy dismantling and cleaning tasks. The technique covers a variety of areas, but its main purpose is to...