WICA BSO webinar invitation_page-0001_0


WICA, the Wine Industry Cluster Alliance of the EPAWI project, the European Partnership for Auxiliary Wine Industry Innovation is inviting cluster managers and international project officers to a special webinar, Nov. 7th at 11 am (GMT+2), to learn more about WICA and how they can be part of this unique global alliance.


Spain: Valencia
Susana Remotti


Partnership origin
Partnership duration (months)

Summary and objectives

CIRCVET is a project funded in the Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO-EDU-ENTERP — Alliances for Education and Enterprises.
The project started in September 2022 and will be finished by August 2025.
CIRCVET project aims at developing the most extensive, free, and tailor-made training in CE for plastics at the European level, according to companies needs and problems.

Sectorial and industrial focus

Sectoral industries
Industrial Alliances and Ecosystems

Upcoming events

Latest news and documents

Submitted best practices



The PackAlliance journey is coming to an end and we are very proud of the results achieved!
The project partners, various stakeholders and participants will come together on this occasion to discuss the sustainability of packaging in the circular economy, new developments and the current research situation.
The evnt will be in presence and online form.
9.30 – 10.00: Welcoming and coffee