IKAT Tourism Call for SMEs in Europe - Financial support for services

The First Call of the IKAT Eurocluster aims to provide solutions that address and are in alignment with the priorities of the European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism, as well as to recover pre-pandemic Gross Domestic Product (GDP), contributing to re-establishing broken value chains, collaboration and increasing the resilience of tourism SMEs. The Call will provide each selected organisation with financial support in order to purchase services related to the following areas: 1. BUSINESS MODEL - €3.000,00 2. ACCELERATION - €8.000,00 3. OPEN INNOVATION - €10...

B-Resilient: Building the biomass resilience of food producing and processing SMEs through green and digitalised value chains

The B-Resilient Euroclusters Project has set an ambitious package of support actions to empower food processing SMEs to become more resilient by means of an optimum use of biomass, and with appropriate digital solutions. The project will focus on maximising the usage of available feedstock and its subsequent valorisation of side streams into innovative bio-based ingredients. B-Resilient project is built on a zero-waste and circular concept, improving the competitiveness of food processing SMEs from an environmentally sustainable perspective. B-resilient is organising cross-sectoral, cross...
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We will be running a short training session about the ECCP Trend Universe to help you get acquainted with the tool and its functionalities. The training will take place on zoom on Friday 17 March from 12 - 1pm CET.

Even if you can't attend, sign up to get access to the full session recording.

Mobile Wold Capital Barcelona

Spain: Catalonia
Marta Portalés


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The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Karlsruhe (JRC), Germany, is pleased to announce its upcoming call for tenders to continue and finalise the technical installation for its new nuclear research...
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