DIEX - Digital Experience

Italy: Friuli-Venezia Giulia


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

DiEX - Digital EXperience - is the first experiential Digital Innovation Hub developed according to the guidelines of the Italian National Industry 4.0 Plan. DiEX acts as a strategic consultancy partner, but also as prototype developer with its network of academic and technology partners and as a testing facility for digital technologies in a real production environment with both operators and machinery in a line producing a mechanical product, further developed in a smart, connected product.

DiEX is made by a group of qualified subjects able to give a relevant contribution to the digital transformation of firms, through upgrading skills, acting as a testbed for the implementation of new technologies and innovative products thanks to additive manufacturing, Artificial and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Twin and a fully operational production facility supporting the introduction of new technologies. DiEX is also a testbed change management journeys, as a group of trained actors performs roleplay activities with participants from the industrial world to enable them to test and overcome the resistance to change in the most efficient and smooth way possible.

The main partner of DiEX is Lean Experience Factory 4.0 (LEF). In May 2016 in Pordenone, Italy, was opened Lean Experience Factory 4.0, an experiential training laboratory to enable participants from the industrial and academic world to “touch and feel” the digital solutions in a real production environment across the whole value chain, in a consistent, structured and measured environment.

LEF is a real production environment specifically developed to train managers, feeling the most innovative technologies showing a demonstrated impact on the main business drivers, such as productivity, quality and innovation in business models.

DiEX is the empowerment and expansion of this already present, trusted and established reality in the national and local business network. Digital technologies.


DFKI Human Centric AI Innovation Hub

Germany: Rhineland-Palatinate


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) was founded in 1988 as a non-profit public-private partnership. It has research facilities in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken and Bremen, a project office in Berlin, and branch offices in Osnabrück and St. Wendel. In the field of innovative commercial software technology using Artificial Intelligence, DFKI is the leading research center in Germany.

Based on application oriented basic research, DFKI develops product functions, prototypes and patentable solutions in the field of information and communication technology. Research and development projects are conducted in eighteen research departments and research groups, eight competence centers and eight living labs.

DFKI is actively involved in numerous organizations representing and continuously advancing Germany as an excellent location for cutting-edge research and technology. Far beyond the country’s borders DFKI enjoys an excellent reputation for its academic training of young scientists. DFKI serves as a stepping stone to leading positions in industry and successful careers as founders of spin-off companies. Over the years, more than 130 staff members have been appointed professors at universities in Germany and abroad.

The Innovative Factory Systems (IFS) research department at DFKI, headed by Prof. Dr. Martin Ruskowski, deals with issues surrounding Industrie 4.0 and the factory of the future. We develop scientific approaches and new concepts in research and industry projects before moving on to practical testing in an industrial environment.

In many cases, the research results are transferred for implementation by SmartFactoryKL and its members from industry. The close collaboration between DFKI and SmartFactoryKL is a major key to our success. Both were appointed Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern (SME 4.0 Competence Center) by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in 2016.


https://www.facebook.com/komzkl/ Digital technologies.



Hungary: Budapest


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

At Demola, university students and professors develop product and service demonstrators together with companies and public sector, and create new solutions to real-life problems, business ideas and start-up challenges in multidisciplinary teams. In Demola we are professionals of combining competences into functional teams and facilitating co-creation process. You can use Demola as a way of boosting your product and service development processes with multidisciplinary approach and fresh-minded, committed talents. Co-creation in Demola engages companies and top academics from several fields into a unique ecosystem for building sustainable and cross-domain collaboration. Digital technologies.



Spain: Galicia


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

DATAlife is the DIH devoted to implementing artificial intelligence, big data and the technologies related, to the value chains of biotech, health, agrifood, sea-based industries and forestry.

DATAlife is organized under a scheme of Non-Profit organization, founded in October 2019

The solutions to the massive economic and social challenges the world faces are often found in the crossroad of different sectors like primary sector, industry and services, plus the deployment of disruptive technologies (Artificial Intelligence, High-Performance Computing, Internet of Things, and so on) and the involvement of the whole society, especially the triple-helix: Academia - Industry - Government.

This kind of challenges that applies globally is also clearly identified in European regions like Galicia, with a share of its economy focused on the primary sector, which has few left chances to remain competitive in the international market arena. It is known, without a doubt, that this competitiveness increase will come through the implementation of digital technologies.

In this process of uptake of digital technologies, artificial intelligence and data analytics appear as disruptive tools to boost companies´ competitiveness, with a remarkable capability of impact in the quality of life and social wellbeing.

On the other hand, Galicia counts with internationally-renowned scientific production in various fields such as biotechnology, healthcare, and smart technologies due to a vibrant University scene.

In this context, DATAlife has the vision of transforming Galicia into a leader European Bioregion, by the creation of a network of knowledge, infrastructure and technology. This network spins around the application of artificial intelligence, data analytics, internet of things, high-performance computing and cybersecurity to bioeconomy, sustainability and health.

To achieve this goal, DATAlife deploys a strategic plan made out of the following set of actions:

Catalogue of services. Based on the identified needs of every value chain plus the knowledge of DATAlife´s partners (industry clusters and RTOs with a long track record of serving the ecosystem), a catalogue of services is defined with several initiatives already identified

DATAbeta: a set of services with a focus on collaborative development and enabling technologies that allow DATAlife to permanent validate its catalogue aligning it with the needs of the SMEs.
DATAchallenge: Program of Technological Challenges for each value chain.
DATAmarket: marketplace for visualization of technologies and services available in the region within the technological scope of DATAlife. This tool is also a facilitator of matches, boosting the integration of the ecosystem.
DATAopen: a program to create a Life Science DATA Platform for extraction, analysis and leverage of data with the scope of DATAlife´s value chains.
DATAlife´s catalogue of services is always under analysis and validation to assure its alignment with Galician SMEs´ needs. This way, DATAlife will include services for test-before-invest, shared labs and infrastructures and technology acquisition when needed.

Communication activity. The actions deployed under the communication plan serve as dissemination of DATAlife´s activity but also as a raising-awareness service to promote the digitalization within the ecosystem to assure that every single stakeholder of the community understands the advantages that digital transformation brings.
Network effect. DATAlife´s partners have a unique and strong international network in their respective activity areas, due to their prolonged presence in the international project arena. DATAlife acts as a connector between Galicia and the Galician ecosystem, providing the possibility to be part of international joint projects.
Digital technologies.


Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DASAI)

Spain: Andalusia


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DASAI) is a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) focused on performing cutting-edge research, knowledge transference and postgraduate teaching in Artificial Intelligence with outstanding lines of research in Data Science and Computational Intelligence. Our main objective is to offer services to facilitate the integration of the Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Computation Intelligence technologies in industry and SMEs across all sectors, in order to help in the process of adoption of digital technologies in the entire value chain, from research and technology developers to end-users.

DASAI offers services from raising awareness about the importance of the inclusion of the Data Science techniques to revalorize any sector business to supporting the development of best practices in demonstrators and pilots. DASAI provides access to research results, existing technologies, mentoring, specialized workshops, training, technology assessments, access to funding sources, etc. Among others, DASAI offers services to support the inclusion of ICT technologies, mainly Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, including Computational Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning and Pre-processing and data prediction, as technologies to contribute to the digitalization of the industry (Virtual Market Agents).

DASAI is promoted and coordinated by the DaSCI Andalusian Research Institute (non-profit academic organization), and it counts with the participation of outstanding partners, both public and private entities, strongly committed to the digitalization of companies, but above all, to the incorporation of the Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Computation Intelligence to help companies to transform, grow and enhance their business possibilities in the digital world. It has been created unifying some of the most relevant organizations in Artificial Intelligence in the region of Andalusia, with the aim of transforming the Andalusian industry ecosystem in a reference of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science around the world.

To do that, the hub also has the support of some of the most outstanding researchers in our region, seven of them are included in the Highly Cited Researchers list (Clarivate Analytics, see 2018 list in https://hcr.clarivate.com/). These researchers are:

Francisco Herrera, Universidad de Granada (director of DaSCI Institute, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HULIk-QAAAAJ&hl=en)
Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Universidad de Granada
Luís Martínez, Universidad de Jaén
Salvador García, Universidad de Granada
Julián Luengo, Universidad de Granada
Sergio Alonso, Universidad de Granada
Javier Cabrerizo, Universidad de Granada
Francisco Chiclana, visiting professor, Universidad de Granada
Digital technologies.


Danube Digital Innovation Hub

Romania: South-East (Romania)


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

The Digital Innovation Hub "DanubeDIH" is a non-governmental, non-profit, and public utility organizations. The IT&C cluster “Lower Danube” Galați, with legal personality, has the orchestrator / administrator role and ensures the general coordination, monitoring of operations and official communication with the European Commission, the Romanian Government, the Romanian Digitization Authority and other parties (relevant EU and national projects , relevant bodies and other related activities), based on the experience gained in coordinating the IT&C Cluster “Lower Danube” Galați.

DanubeDIH acts coherently with the analysis of local needs and correspondingly with the realization of the 4 functions of the Digital Innovation Center:

• Support for investment identification

• Training and support in acquiring digital skills

• Testing before making investments

• Creating an ecosystem for innovation and networking

Main Objectives:

1. Providing digital transformation services, including testing and experimentation facilities;

2. Transfer of expertise and know-how between European regions, strengthening the links between innovation centers and companies in different regions;

3. Providing thematic services to governments, public sector organizations, SMEs and mid-caps, in particular, services related to artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, high performance computing and cyber security;

4. Providing support for the development of advanced digital skills .;

5. Supporting industries in the ICT sector by organizing various training and development activities in the field of digital innovation, such as: specific courses, seminars and workshops for entrepreneurs and companies in the ICT sector who want to develop, workshops to improve the knowledge level in the following fields: intellectual property, international investments, investment phases, return of capital / investment, “elevator pitch”. These activities include, but are not limited to: investment identification support, training and support in acquiring digital skills, pre-investment testing, creating an ecosystem for innovation and networking.

6. Providing complementary services, with non-profit objectives, aimed at supporting the process of digital transformation at European companies (especially SMEs and mid-cap companies) level

7. Capitalizing on the potential of information technology and communications and its application in the public sector (administration, education, health) and the private sector (enterprises, citizens)

8. Organizing digitization programs and RDI dedicated to strategic economic sectors with high growth potential at city and regional level, respectively in the areas identified as a priority in the Smart Specialization Strategy of the South-East Development Region: Engineering and shipping , Garment industry, Agri-food and fishing industry, Biotechnologies, Eco-technologies, Tourism, ICT, High Tech, Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials;

9. Increasing the research - development - innovation (RDI) capacity, stimulating cooperation between RDI institutes and companies, as well as increasing the access of companies in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) to RDI;

10. Capitalizing on the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their application in the public sector (administration, education, health) and the private sector (enterprises, society in general);

11. Identifying and promoting initiatives that generate innovative products and services, through investment projects, both public and private, as well as proposals for modernization/ improvement of strategies, policies and action plans in the field of ICT;

12. Supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs in the region with information and communication technology (ICT) tools help ;

13. Supporting and encouraging projects aimed at digital innovation, taking into account the context of a new economy (digital economy) and the need to adapt entrepreneurs to it, in line with the European Commission's Green Deal for 2021-2026;

14. Attracting resources (investments, risk funds) for the development of ICT sector;

15. Creating mechanisms for the collaborative approach of large-scale international projects; " Digital technologies.


Danish Technological Institute, Robot Technology

Denmark: South Denmark


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) develops, applies and transfers technology to industry and society.

DTI’s main activities in robotics are located in Odense in the Centre for Robot Technology where we are actively involved in many robotics projects in primarily manufacturing, service, construction, food, health and agricultural robotics.

Our focus is innovation - applying new research results and robot technologies to create the robot solutions in the markets of tomorrow.

DTI is a leading European robotics innovator with a staff of more than 40 robotic experts within industry and service. We provide individual consultancy, actual working industrial solutions, courses for both blue- and white-collar workers covering various aspects of robotics, and networking opportunities, as well as performing applied research and development. Digital technologies.


Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics

Czechia: Prague


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

Digital Innovation Hub of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics Czech Technical University in Prague, in close collaboration with the National Centre for Industry 4.0, provides the Czech industry with research capacities and know-how transfer.

Digital Innovation Hub of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics Czech Technical University in Prague serves as a one-stop-shop that helps companies and public institutions to become more competitive by implementing digital technologies.

The National Centre for Industry 4.0  at CIIRC was founded with the aim to contribute to the implementation of Industry 4.0 principles in the Czech Republic with emphasis on small and medium size enterprises and to spread awareness about the Industry 4.0 and Society 4.0 concepts. It serves as an important source of information about technological solutions and the impact of technological advancement on society and provides close cooperation between academic and industrial departments in areas of concern with aim to stimulate exchange of experience and best practices. It helps design, develop, connect and effectively operate a network of testbeds for Industry 4.0 located at CTU in Prague, Technical Universtiy in Brno and other institutions. It also supports know-how transfer into industry including innovative forms of start-ups and managed innovations.

In the first phase the Centre has been established as an independent financial and operating unit under the auspices of Czech Center for Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics at CTU. The Centre is using the key infrastructure of Industry 4.0 Testbed in CTU. A similar or compatible infrastructure will be later on created at Technical University in Brno and other universities.

  Digital technologies.


Cyprus University of Technology Robotics, Control, and Decision Systems DIH (RCDS - DIH)

Cyprus: Cyprus


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

Who we are

We are the Robotics, Control, and Decision Systems (RCDS) laboratory and digital innovation hub (DIH) at the Cyprus University of Technology. We are a non-profit entity under the Cyprus University of Techology. RCDS is the first robotics laboratory in Cyprus (established in 2011). Since then, we have developed externally funded activities worth more than 26 million euros. We engage in research, technology development, innovation and commercialisation activities.

Our people
The team has decades of combined robotics, technology and product, and business experience in the US and Europe. We have worked with commercial entities of all sizes (start-ups to multinationals) as well as academia, government agencies and NGOs.

The RCDS Laboratory
The RCDS Laboratory is at the heart of the RCDS DIH. It provides the foundation (people, expertise, infrastructure) upon which all the services of the Digital Innovation Hub are built. The laboratory operates out of two facilities (one focusing on marine and maritime robotics and another one dealing with mobile, aerial and underground robotics) at the campus of the Cyprus University of Technology.

Our service offering is wide and varied. Are you a startup or a larger corporate entity? Or maybe a government agency, an academic or research entity, or an NGO. Reach out to us to discuss the issues you are facing. Even if we cannot help you ourselves, we might be able to direct you to those who could. We have a large, international network of partners capable of addressing a wide range of robotics and automation related needs. Let’s talk!

Our offering
We offer a range of technology, business, and ecosystem services:

Strategic RDI
Contract research, technology, and product development
Technical support with scaling up
Project development support
Incubator/accelerator support
Market analysis
Strategy development
Ecosystem learning
Training and education

Technological expertise

Fundamental science and technology development: Decision and control of robotics and autonomous (multi-) agent systems

Motion task planning

Applied science and technology development

Aerial robotics
Marine and maritime robotics
Mobile robotics
Underground robotics

Digital technologies.


Cyprus Digital Innovation Hub

Cyprus: Cyprus


Mission/Objectives of the cluster organisation

The Cyprus Digital Innovation Hub (CyDI-Hub) is the largest regional network of the most prestigious research, innovation, industry and governmental   organisations, utilizing state of the art infrastructure, in order to bring the fourth digital revolution in Cyprus by offering cutting-edge digital technology innovations and services to the industry. CyDI-Hub is a non profit organisation that coordinates the Hub activities.

CyDI-Hub caters for the specific needs and gaps of enterprises in its region, particularly SMEs, manufacturing companies and stakeholders nationwide. CyDI-Hub is primarily supporting both the manufacturing industry and public bodies. In addition, key sectors highlighted in Smart Specialisation Strategy will be supported, including health, agriculture, energy, and tourism. Finally, key sectors with increased economic output such as public administration, transport and wholesale/retail trade will be supported. CYDI-Hub is committed to make an impact towards accelerating and enhancing R&D&I investment towards the direction of industry digitisation. Digital technologies.
