Compressed-air system saves electricity in a German brewery

©Nikolai Sorokin, image #171178989, 2017, source:


Energy Carbon
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost
Associated cost savings: Energy
Co2 emission reduction:
300 t/year
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Very refreshing results!

  • Compressed-air system cuts compressed air consumption by 16 % in three years
  • 300 tonnes less CO2 emissions annually
  • Net annual savings of 775 000 kWh electricity

Brauerei Paderborner, a traditional Westphalian brewery in Paderborn, Germany investigated options to cut its power consumption, save money and improve its environmental performance at the same time. By redefining and optimising its compressed-air system it achieved all three goals; it uses 45-50 % less energy, produces 300 tonnes less CO2 emissions and saves € 55 000 annually in costs.

After an evaluation and audit of what was needed, the company implemented several measures, such as the combination of two compressed air systems into one, and reducing the system's pressure. They also introduced a superior electronic control system which regulates air generation according to actual demand. 

Key benefits

The variable speed-controlled compressor now seamlessly adjusts to the actual air needed by the system at any given time. The company further reduced the compressed air system's 'no-load' operation time and switched to compressors known to perform more efficiently in the conditions at Brauerei Paderborner's.

The total cost of investment was € 62 500 and the payback time is estimated to be between 12-15 months. Althogether, a refreshing outcome for the German brewer. 

Warsteiner Brewery. 2012. Sustainability Report.…
dena - Deutsche Energie-Agentur: Projekt: Steigerung der Energieeffizienz durch konsequente Optimierung des Druckluftsystems,…

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