MESAP always on the move discovering smart manufacturing trends and opportunities

Submitted by Alessia Menduni on 02 October 2018

MESAP always on the move discovering smart manufacturing trends and opportunities

September ended with two different meetings for MESAP : MICRONORA the biennal microtechnology and precision trade fair for cutting-edge technology in Besançon (25th-28th September) and the World Manufacturing Forum in Cernobbio - Milan (27th -28th September).

A manufacturing full immersion thanks to MESAP discovered industrial trends and opportunities and presented to companies and clusters its activities and members. In particularly the French fair has been the occasion to promote the Collective European Trademark Smart Systems Integrated® promoting products enabled by Smart Systems to increase the consciousness and economic value of products characterized by Smart Systems Integration a (details SSI) and IoT4Industry, a 30 months initiative in the framework of H2020 offering 4 millions of Euro funding support (voucher scheme) for IoT solutions collaborative projects.(details IoT4Industry).

MESAP also joined the World Manufacturing Forum (27th -28th September Cernobbio - Milan)  an open platform aiming at enhance and spread industrial culture worldwide, as a means to ensure economic equity and sustainable development. ​The WMF will pursue its goals by supporting and influencing national and international industrial agendas, acting as a catalyst for finding innovative solutions to major global challenges, disseminating knowledge through international and regional meetings and publications (Speakers’ list here ).

October Agenda will start with the Future Mobility Week (1st-5th September, Torino Lingotto Fiere), A new platform explaining the Future Mobility, which is constantly evolving, and connecting all of the sector operators, involving the closest public. B2B events and networking and matching opportunities at the highest European levels of accountability, firmly anchored to the Piedmontese territory, suited to the sector, but open to national mobility clusters.

MESAP will be one of the protagonists of the sixth edition of Fabbrica Futuro Conference (4th October, Turin), where companies, managers, academicians, associations and trade unions will reflect all together on the key topics of digital transformation and smart factory; in particularly it will be organized a special session “La manifattura in Piemonte guarda al futuro: tecnologie innovative, nuovi modelli di business e nuove competenze” focused on the  regional situation. Details here .

MESAP together with Unione Industriale di Torino, Skillab and Digital Innovation Hub Piemonte promotes CYBERSECURITY – L’EVOLUZIONE DELLA SICUREZZA NELL’ECOSISTEMA 4.0 –8th October Politecnico di Torino a conference dedicated to cyber security and business and the risks linked the cybercrime. Details here.

Finally you will find MESAP in Milan on the occasion of BI-MU (9th -13th October), the 31st edition of one of the most important Italian trade dedicated to machine tools , robots, automation, digital manufacturing, auxiliary and enabling technologies. On this occasion on 9th October MESAP companies will meet Pôle de Compétitivité de Sousse , the Tunisian cluster in the Sousse area focused on mechatronics : a great occasion to get in touch with the opportunities of the north African area, discover the Technopole Mecathronic City and deeply discuss about IoT4Industry a 30 months initiative in the framework of H2020 offering 4 millions of Euro funding support (voucher) for IoT solutions collaborative projects.(details IoT4Industry).

Stay Tuned, be part: discover MESAP world! HERE


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