ENMC meeting with DG MARE representatives

Submitted by MAREK GRZYBOWSKI on 10 February 2023


The ENMC meeting with representatives of DG MARE took place on 17 November this year.  Members of the European Network of Maritime Clusters have met with representatives of DG MARE. At the DG MARE headquarters, the meeting was attended by: Lorella de la Cruz, Deputy Head of Unit, MARE A2 (Blue Economy Sectors, Aquaculture and Maritime Spatial Planning), Pauline Caumont, Policy Assistant, MARE A2, Manuel Pleguezuelo Alonso, Policy Officer, MARE A3 (Sea basin strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security), PhD. Marcin Sadowski, Policy Officer, MARE A1 (Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment).

The Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is responsible for the policy area of fisheries, the Law of the Sea and Maritime Affairs. DG MARE works to:ensure that the ocean resources are used sustainably and that coastal communities and the fishing sector have a prosperous future, promote maritime policies and stimulate a sustainable blue economy, promote ocean governance at international level – informed Lorella de la Cruz, Deputy Head of Unit, MARE A2.

An important activity is the creation of activities aimed at eliminating pollution, a program to remove plastic from the oceans, spatial planning, and sustainable development in the use of marine and seafood resources. The EU will fight marine litter through a new strategy on plastics in 2017 and through an update of the rules governing waste disposal for vessels. It will also seek global partnerships to identify and implement effective strategies against both plastic litter and micro-plastics.  Originally part of the common agricultural policy (CAP), the common fisheries policy (CFP) started with the same objectives: to increase productivity, to stabilise the markets, to provide a source of healthy food and, to ensure reasonable prices for consumers.

The mission of DG MARE is “To steer, in close relationship with stakeholders at regional and European level, the development and implementation of the Integrated Maritime Policy and to manage the Common Fisheries Policy with a view to promote the sustainable development of maritime activities as well as the sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources within and beyond Community waters” – informed Manuel Pleguezuelo Alonso, Policy Officer, MARE A3.

For the first time, the EU and neighbouring countries in the Mediterranean agreed on the establishment of five fully-fledged multiannual management plans (MAPs) based on the principles of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in November 11th. It is a key step in improving the environmental and economic sustainability of fishing in the Mediterranean. It is the outcome of the 45th annual meeting of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). Thanks to the joint efforts of the Commission, Member States and more than 20 other coastal countries, the GFCM unanimously adopted a total of 21 ambitious measures, 19 tabled by the European Union, for the management and control of fisheries, aquaculture and the protection of sensitive habitats. The EU is also supporting the implementation of all the measures and the new GFCM 2030 Strategy with an annual grant of €8 million.

Actions for the implementation of innovations in maritime areas, the use of innovations in the development of sustainable ocean resources and the protection of the marine environment and coasts are very important – said Marcin Sadowski, Policy Officer, MARE A1.

The EU will build on the success of its ‘Blue Data Network’ – a collaboration of over 100 research institutions – and further develop international scientific partnerships to obtain a worldwide marine data network open to all. Better knowledge of the sea will mean more sustainable actions. The EU, NATO and partner countries will work together to protect against maritime threats such as piracy and human trafficking. It will work to reduce maritime accidents and prevent environmental disasters.

Baltic Sea & Space Pentagon Helix Cluster

After a short period of incubation and activities in the Triple Helix formula, the cluster through participation in international projects transformed into an organization operating in the Qudralupe Helix system.

Today the cluster develops in the Pentagon Helix formula, integrating the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supporting social initiatives, local government and administration, developing investor relations – says Marek Grzybowski, President BSSC  and explains that today the cluster’s activity is characterized by a holistic, integrative and global approach, making the activity of maritime industries part of Economy 4.0. – We owe our position also to the close cooperation with the Space Science Commission of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 4 conferences on space and maritime technologies, maritime and space law, economics and social sciences are organized jointly every year.



Within the „Cluster” there are currently six Hubs: ICT & AI, construction of zero-emission ships – ZEVInnovation, design and construction of installations producing green energy – GreenTech, scientific-research, legal-financial and educational. All hubs bring together around 60 companies, research centers and R&D units.

More: https://www.bssc.pl/2022/11/21/enmc-meeting-with-dg-mare-representative…

Cluster organisation
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