
Best practices

Responsible use of wood guaranteed by PEFC certification

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically, socially and economically sustainable forestry. Around 10 % of the world’s forests are certified and, of these, two-thirds – some 300 million hectares – to PEFC...
Best practices

Green labelling and certification for infrastructure, products, packaging

Green labelling, also known as 'Ecolabelling', is a recognised scheme for businesses to communicate the environmental credentials of products they put on the market. The Ecolabel stimulates the market for green products and services, and promotes broader awareness of environmental issues. Green...
Best practices

Focus on durability in new asset building

Extending the lifetime of a product (asset) has a number of environmental advantages: less resource extraction, less energy embedded (the direct and indirect energy required to produce goods plus the energy needed to source and process raw materials they contain) and less waste generated...
Best practices

Consider the need for a sustainability officer

A relatively new management role, sustainability officers are top executives who determine how a company or organisation can best address environmental sustainability issues. Specifically, they may be responsible for the creation, development and management of sustainability policies and programmes...
Best practices

Procuring sustainable office supplies and consumables

Consumables such as paper, staples or beverages are cheap if you consider how often they are used and how easily they are replaced. The decision to use more sustainable suppliers is made easier today thanks to better information and labelling, such as 'Blauer Engel' and 'ENERGYStar' which guarantee...