Clusters benchmarking

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The Packaging Cluster visits three continents on different international missions

The entity seeks to open new markets in foreign countries to learn about good practices and establish business connections In recent months the Cluster has been present in Amsterdam, Belgium, Mumbai, Thessaloniki, Tunisia and Dijon This tour is part of European projects such as Safe Smart Food or...

Three Bronze Labels for non-benchmarked clusters in TRACE-KEI

The three not yet labelled clusters in TRACE-KEI: Madan Parque, Cluster for Energy Efficiency and Green Synergy Cluster, performed the benchmarking assessment in the framework of ESCA labels for cluster excellence and were awarded with Bronze label. The benchmarking interviews were done in February...

Call for Proposals: ESCA Benchmarking experts and Silver, Gold Label Auditors

CLUSTEM Project – Invitation to supply an expertise service for benchmarking activities of industrial clusters – ESCA Expert(s) Recruitment for Clusters Benchmarking Publication reference: CLUSTEM/BENCHMARKING/01/2016 Programme: COSME Countries: Turkey, Italy, Spain United Kingdom Duration and...