
Best practices

Green CIP delivers multiple benefits in dairy production

Leaning towards clever cleaning Employing CIP cuts caustic soda use by some 90 %, and energy and water use by 50 % each It also decreases cleaning downtime, boosts productivity and generates cleaner waste or re-usable byproducts Cleaning-in-place (CIP) is a green process that re-uses caustic soda...
Best practices

Insulating steam network cuts fuel consumption

Just like that... 10% oil savings! Energy audit shows soft drinks-maker where gains can be made Even things like insulating steam networks can make a big difference SNEMBG manufactures and bottles soft drinks and distributes them in the French Antilles and continental France. The company is...
Best practices

Ice pigging in dairies

What's in a name? Dairies explored benefits of employing ice pigging in their production cycles Results showed substantial cost and environmental savings Yeo Valley Farms and BV Dairy in the UK explored cost-effective and environmental alternatives to clean their lines after production. They carried...
Best practices

Green cleaning in place (CIP)

Green cleaning in place, or Green CIP for short, is a technology enabling the re-use of caustic soda during parts cleaning in food and drink production. The principle is that pipes and tanks are flushed through with hot alkali (instead of cold water) as a first step, resulting in a liquid which is...
Best practices

Membrane filtration of brine in cheese production

Say cheese! Cheese factory uses more sustainable filtration process Results in better product quality, less costs and reduced chemical use Immersion of cheese in brine is an important step in the production process to ensure taste and optimal storage life. The Austrian company Pantreon was looking...
Best practices

Optimisation of cleaning-in-place systems

Since the 1950s, clean-in-place (CIP) systems have been reliably used to clean inside surfaces of tanks and pipelines in liquid process equipment to avoid costly downtime associated with lengthy dismantling and cleaning tasks. The technique covers a variety of areas, but its main purpose is to...
Best practices

Reduced water consumption in beverage production

Purge ends in 5 minutes! German company shows how to reduce water use through optimised cleaning-in-place technique Shorter purge cycle reduces water consumption by 12 %, saving about € 10 600 per annum Beverage production is a very water-intensive industry, both as an ingredient and in cleaning...