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Bale up! Smart waste solution  Smart baling system stops triple-handling of carboard waste The auto-baling system saves the company 32 man days or around € 10 000 a year Cannon Packing and
Best practices
Pack it down and cut waste costs! Compacting restaurant waste reduces volume, cost and hauling Around € 1 400 saved on waste-removal every month Up to 80 % reduction of associated CO2 emissions
Best practices
Waste management is a big part of business operations which is often overlooked in terms of potential environmental and business benefits. Compactors crush waste into a smaller volume, allowing
Best practices
Green, clean and surprisingly lean on the budget Green cleaning products cost 7 % less than conventional products per 1 000 litres used Less water is needed to dillute and dissolve green cleaners
Best practices
Every office needs a 'blue angel'   Recycled office paper is a viable 'green' alternative, saving businesses up to 13 % on paper costs Using recycled paper cuts CO2 emissions by 15 %, based on
Best practices
Calculated 'green' decisions Procurement policy guides sustainability actions for staff, students, faculty Green choices are often cheaper or have a short payback on investment University of
Best practices
Consumables such as paper, staples or beverages are cheap if you consider how often they are used and how easily they are replaced. The decision to use more sustainable suppliers is made easier today
Best practices
Water recycling by design Grey-water recycling system built into hotel design from the ground up Reduces annual fresh water consumption by around 20 % The 100-room NH Campo de Gibraltar hotel in
Best practices
Sustainable golf, a pledge for greener greens Integrated materials and resource handling and recycling programme Savings of nearly € 30 000 per year thanks to new waste-management approach  Sinc
Best practices
Dumpster dipping tells a story 24 tonnes of waste prevented from being sent to landfill Annual cost savings of nearly € 2 300 through reduced waste collection Improved working relationship
Best practices
Water is precious… established Scottish restaurant tells why A growing food business zeroed in on a major water waster… toilets Fitting passive infrared sensors reduced toilet water use by up to
Best practices
In steering changes towards more efficient and greener performance in a company, it is important to engage staff in the process to ensure that they are on-board. It is always a challenge to change