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Community Event
The REINA PLUS Steering Committee Meetings among participants will be organised in rotation following the countries of the partners involved to facilitate intra-project communications every six months
Community Event
GAIA, in collaboration with FENAEIC (National Federation of Innovative Business Groupings and Clusters - Http://, invites you to participate in the IV International Congress
Community Event
Smart Solutions for Socially Relevant Innovations in Visegrad Four Regions Surfing the digital waves opens new opportunities and also accelerate positive effects to the society and economy. How can
Community Event
Smart Solutions for Socially Relevant Innovations in Visegrad Four Regions Surfing the digital waves opens new opportunities and also accelerate positive effects to the society and economy. How can
Community Event
Florence CASTEL, Directrice Générale du Pôle de compétitivité ADVANCITY et Abderrahim MEFTAH, Directeur Général du Cluster EMC, ont le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire sur la transition
Community Event
The Technology Park of Andalusia, in Spain, is currently leading a European project from the program Horizon 2020 which aims to review practices related to the design and implementation of programmes
Community Event
The workshop, organised by the EC-funded project SLA-Ready in partnership with ClujIT, targets organisations in Romania and the Cluj region who have to sign a Cloud contract with a cloud service
Community Event
VIBE-NATUREEF is the International Business Event organized by VEGEPOLYS within the framework of NATUREEF during the European plant production trade fair SIVAL. Seize this chance for new business
Community Event
Minalogic is stronlgy involved in the organisation of these Europe-Taiwan Semiconductor Smart Manufacturing and Equipment Technology Forum and Matchmaking Event. This event, organized by MIRDC will
Community Event
Business meetings - Forward looking conference On 15th November 2016, the 'Salons Hoche' in Paris will host the 6th edition of Carrefours Île-de-France (Paris Region Business meetings) Eve
Community Event
Opening Ceremony for Plastics InnoCentre
Community Event
The Pôle Véhicule du Futur and his partners Plastipolis, PMT Microtechniques, PNB - Nucléaire, Enterprise Europe Network, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bourgogne Franche-Comté, and the