

Cluster IDiA invites all interested clusters, companies, and other stakeholders to a public webinar about the green transition and supporting projects that help our companies in becoming more sustainable. The green transition is one of the biggest challenges in Europe. We can inspire each other with exchanging our experiences and learning from each other. 

Webinar: Towards the green transition 

22 July 2021, 16:00 - 17:00 


  • Antonio Novo, Cluster IDiA/European Clusters Alliance
  • Cristina Muñoz, European Cluster Collaboration Platform
  • Ulrika Hurt, Business Advisor 

Open to everyone! 

No registration needed, just connect: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTlkMDYyNWItNGFi…   

Context of the webinar: Our project "Transformemos Europa"

The webinar is part of IDiA's project "Transformemos Europa", which is organised in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Collaboration. It seeks to engage the Spanish and European citizens into a dialogue about the current European policies and activities. All info: https://www.idia.es/transformemos-europa-cluster-idia-union-europea/ 

Location and date

Virtual Event

Cluster organisation
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