
About the session:

Digital transformation is not an end but a process and waiting for the final result is a bad move. Embracing digital technologies starts from designing the processes, understanding the important information and the data useful to generate them. Indeed, the Data Driven Company is the final goal and in a data driven environment different optimization possibilities (cost, energy consumption, reduction of losses or reuse of waste materials) can be better studied, understood and achieved.

Prof. Gualtiero Fantoni (University of Pisa)

Associate Professor at University of Pisa, President of Pisa Leaning Lab, founder of Fablab Pisa and of four university spin-off. MEng in Mechanical Engineering (“summa cum laude”) at University of Pisa in 1999. PhD in Robotics, Automation and Bioengineering from the University of Pisa. His research interests are in industrial grasping, handling, feeding and in creativity, crowdsourcing and collaborative design tools. Wide experience in patent automatic analysis and technology foresight. Expert of technologies enabling the 4.0 framework and Director of Master “Industry 4.0 Design”. His publications include more than 50 peer reviewed papers, co-inventor of more of 10 patents. He has managed several projects as Coordinator; he is currently scientific coordinator of SPRINT4.0, ASSETS+ and the new e-STEM projects.