Last update date 10 February 2022

Description of measure

In 2021, the Portuguese Government created a pilot initiative aimed to training the assets of companies - entrepreneurs, managers and technicians - in pursuit of the strategies related to the training of human resources defined by five Clusters (i) Footwear and Fashion Cluster, (ii) Automotive Cluster, (iii) Engineering & Tooling Cluster, (iv) PRODUTECH - Production Technologies Cluster and (v) Portuguese Textile Cluster, within the scope of their Sectoral Pacts.
This pilot initiative aims:
• Increasing the specific qualifications of workers in fields relevant to the strategy of innovation, internationalization and modernization of companies;
• Increase the capacities of the business management and e-skills to support strategies of innovation and new business models for companies;
• Promotion of upskilling and reskilling strategies with a view to adapting and specialization of the human resources of the companies and their capacity to retain skills and talents;
• Promotion of actions to stimulate and raise awareness of the change and exchange of good practices (mobility and exchange of experiences).

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges