Symbiosis of forging and 3D-printing

© nordroden, #203843214, 2019, source:


Manufacture and repair of metal products, machinery and equipment
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Forging ahead

  • German engineering firm explores new technologies to save resources
  • 3D printing and laser melting techniques are employed to great effect

Rosswag GmbH is a German metal-working company forging and cutting various products especially for the aviation industry and energy mechanical engineering.

Every year, the company's forging activities generated several tonnes of residues which had to be scrapped. Rosswag investigated a solution to make a fine-grained metal powder out of the scrap, which can be used for special hybrid parts produced with an open die forging process. The complex elements are produced with a metal 3D-printing process called selective laser melting (SLM).

Key benefit

By adding SLM to the manufacturing process, instead of simply using open die forging, the company saves 60 % of material volume.

VDI Zentrum Ressourceneffizienz GmbH, Wettberwerbsvorteil Ressourceneffizien [GER], pp. 22,

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