Programmable heating systems to reduce energy use

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Energy Carbon
Construction Cross-cutting
Investment cost:
Medium cost
Cost savings:
Reduced energy costs.
Payback time:
Payback time depends on a number of factors including the size of premises, existing heating system, energy price fluctuations and installation costs
Medium cost
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)

Effective, controllable heating systems can help businesses to reduce energy consumption, with associated cost savings and reduced CO2 emissions.

Heating in the workplace is most effective – and energy efficient – when systems enable different temperatures to be controlled in different rooms. This avoids the need to heat the whole premises when, for example, only a few meeting rooms are in use.

It can also improve the thermal comfort of employees, which can have positive implications for health and wellbeing.

In particular, programmable heating systems enable desired temperatures and times of operation to be set automatically. This not only provides a comfortable work environment for employees, but also ensures that heating is not ‘wasted’ at times when it is not needed – such as overnight or at weekends.

Programmable thermostats also ensure that energy is not wasted as a result of employees accidentally forgetting to turn the heating system off.

Whilst the price of installing new heating systems can be high, the payback time can often make the investment worthwhile, as energy costs can account for a significant portion of many businesses’ costs.

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