Last update date 12 November 2021

Description of measure

NERA (the National Energy Resources Australia, part of the Australian’s government Industry Growth Centres Initiatives) has created a network of hydrogen technology clusters across Australia: the Hydrogen Technology Cluster Australia (H2TCA), supporting the National Hydrogen Strategy. It provides seed-funding in partnership with governments and industry to build the skills, capability and commercialisation opportunities in the emerging hydrogen industry. The H2TCA aims to accelerate the hydrogen supply chain development by enabling vital connection, collaboration, and alignment of action across Australia. The cluster network reduces duplication and identifies gaps in the development, deployment, and commercialisation of new hydrogen-focussed technologies. The network in constituted of 15 clusters, situated over the 8 Australian regions. They are all supported by their respective state and territory governments, and are established around key hydrogen projects in strategic locations, to ensure local cohesion and sustainability capability across the emerging hydrogen value chain.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support