Energy efficient lighting in industrial SMEs

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Energy Carbon
Investment cost:
High cost
Payback time:
Payback depends on the facility size, lighting requirements and scope of the refurbishment
High cost
Associated cost savings: Energy
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)

Lighting is a major energy cost in industrial SMEs, especially for properties using old or poorly configured lighting technology. 

By improving lighting systems a plant can save significant energy. Replacing existing systems with energy efficient LED lights is a first step, but to gain the most from a lighting refurbishment project, several other factors should be considered. Companies need to consider optimising light in different areas using lighting controls and better placement techniques.

Suggested measures:

  • Light should be optimised according to the tasks performed in different areas of the facility; for example more lighting in areas critical to production, quality control, and safety and worker comfort. 
  • Incorporate lighting controls, sensors and presence detection; significant savings can be made by taking full advantage of daylight savings, closures, off-peak production, etc.

Refurbished lighting reduces energy consumption, resulting in plant-wide cost savings and reduced carbon footprint. For example, lighting control systems can generate 80 % energy savings compared to conventional lighting systems.

Other benefits of improved lighting systems include better worker safety and product quality. Smart lighting control systems can also generate valuable intelligence to improve safety, streamline the movement of goods in the production line, and plan optimal cleaning intervals between different areas in the building.

Before launching a lighting refit, it is important to analyse how the current lighting system is used, and the lighting requirements in different areas, and then assess the lifecycle costs of alternatives for the best solution matching the company's needs.

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