Last update date 2 December 2022

Description of measure

The aim of call is to support the activities of cluster organization aimed at fulfilling the tasks and goals arising from the document Strategy for the development of the cluster organization valid during the period of implementation of the main activity of the project, with an emphasis on streamlining the activities and development of the cluster organization, supporting its innovative potential, mutual cooperation with other cluster organizations, promoting awareness of its mission and activities, and supporting its internationalization. Within the framework of the supported project, it must be proven that the objectives of the applicant for assistance described in the document Strategy for the development of the cluster organization, the fulfillment of which is part of the eligible project, are in line with one of the main trends and/or minor trends and/or integrated development trends that characterize one of the domains of intelligent specializations defined in the Implementation Plan of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization of the Slovak Republic (RIS3 SK) and at the same time with one of the product lines established within the designated RIS3 SK domain., The aim of call is to support the activities of cluster organization aimed at fulfilling the tasks and goals arising from the document Strategy for the development of the cluster organization valid during the period of implementation of the main activity of the project, with an emphasis on streamlining the activities and development of the cluster organisation, supporting its innovative potential, mutual cooperation with other cluster organizations, promoting awareness of its mission and activities, and supporting its internationalization. Within the framework of the supported project, it must be proven that the objectives of the applicant for assistance described in the document Strategy for the development of the cluster organization, the fulfillment of which is part of the eligible project, are in line with one of the main trends and/or minor trends and/or integrated development trends that characterize one of the domains of intelligent specializations defined in the Implementation Plan of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization of the Slovak Republic (RIS3 SK) and at the same time with one of the product lines established within the designated RIS3 SK domain.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support