Trade mission Moldova_pict


Join us for a full, customised programme of meetings with Ukrainian and Moldovan stakeholders, bilateral meetings, visits and conferences.

This mission is open to all EU SMEs working in the water, energy or waste sectors willing to make business in Moldova or Ukraine. It will take place at the same time as the Made in Moldova trade fair, which will be held in the capital from 31 January to 4 February and will bring together nearly 500 local companies. B2B meetings will be organised as well as visits and meetings with local public and private stakeholders such as: City Hall of Chisinau, Agency for Energy Efficiency, Autosalubriate, Apa-Canal, Moldelectrica or Termoelectrica.

This support is offered free of charge in the framework of the P2GreenEST project coordinated by Éa éco-entreprises in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI RM), the Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs (FADE) and the Romanian Green Energy Innovative Biomass Cluster.
Only travel, accommodation and catering fees will be paid by the participating companies.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us from now on in order to discuss about your expectations and create a tailor-made agenda. You can find some more information on our website:…

Don’t miss this business opportunity for Moldova and Ukraine and join our EU delegation next January!