State of the art on Moldova and Ukraine's water and waste management

Submitted by Lucie Mathieu on 23 July 2021


Following the principles of the circular economy approach, P2GreenEST targets the sectors of water, waste and energy in Eastern countries to foster green, innovative and sustainable public procurement. Our motivation are the current needs of these countries directly linked with EU strategies in its Circular Economy Action Plan, part of the EU Green Deal. These goals cannot be attained alone, P2GreenEST aims to bring closer together EU's neighbours to work hands in hands towards carbon neutrality by 2050.


The Republic of Moldova recently recognized the heavy weight of waste and energy sectors on its carbon emissions. In 2013, about 65.5% of the total national direct GHG emissions originated from the energy sector. Waste sector represented 12,2% of GHG emissions in 2013 and represented still more than 10% in 2016. Solid household waste is transported to landfills through sanitation services, representing thousands of cubic meters of garbage. Moldova aimed to reduce its dependence from foreign fuels to reduce its GHG emissions by setting a goal to increase the share of renewable energy solutions in the country. The region being majorly made of agricultural fields, the abundance of agricultural wastes makes Moldova a perfect candidate for biomass energy projects.


In 2016, Ukraine generated over 256.9 million tons of waste, from which 97.8% came from the industry. The country lacks of proper waste management infrastructure an adequate government policy to solve that issue. As of now, the waste is not re-used into sustainable solutions but rather disposed into landfills. However, Ukraine committed to comply with EU directives as part of its Association Agreement and has adopted the National Waste Management Strategy for 2030. This strategy should lead to better conversion of waste into energy and its technological modernization. Moreover, this strategy should implement circular economy principles to minimize and recycle waste. On the topic of energy, the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for 2035 foresees that by then, 25% of the energy supply will come from renewable resources. In that regard, biomass can contribute up to 11.5%. Ukraine also represents a great opportunity for solar, wind and biomass energy solutions. Ukraine is more than ever motivated with its Green Energy Transition by 2050 strategy, which is aligned with the European Green Deal to set out a blueprint for decarbonising Ukraine's energy sector while promoting sustainable economic development.

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