The second workshop related to the challenges in the Energy Intensive Industries was held by INGENIOUS consortium

Submitted by Anna Marytová on 22 March 2023


On 16 March the INGENIOUS consortium organised the workshop (second of the series of 8) where the challenge and solution available in Energy Intensive Industries were discussed. The topic of the meeting was “Advanced materials leading to competitive higher sustainability and digitalization”.
The second workshop was moderated by Luboš Komárek from Nanoprogress. Ewa Rekosz/MCICT - the coordinator of INGENIOUS project – presented the project. Next, Azucena Jiménez Pérez/MI4 presented the Innovation Grants with the conditions and requirements for SMEs to apply for the grant.
Mr. Jiří Mikeš from Depea presented "The use of nanomaterial technologies for the modification of sugar paste for cosmetic purposes with an emphasis on the functional activation of this material". Dr. Petr Beneš from EPS biotechnology introduced “Utilization of zerovalent iron rich industry waste for reductive dehalogenation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated ethylenes”. The last presentation was managed by Dr. Karel Havlíček from Nanotech dynamics with "Advanced Materials for Nanofibre Fabrication and Digital Transformation of Electrospinning".
At the end of the workshop Luboš Komárek invited all participants to the next workshops and encourage to follow INGENIOUS on social media.
Workshop#3 dedicated to the challenge “Technology improvement and or product innovation for digital transition” which will take place on 23 March from 16:00 – 17:00. Registration form for this event:…
Stay tuned for more updates!

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