Submitted by Josep Casamada on 08 March 2022


The green transition of the advanced textile materials sector in Catalonia is one of the strategic priorities of AEI Tèxtils.

In the last 8 years, the cluster has led 6 projects, 2 of them at European level, with the objective of facilitating the substitution of hazardous chemicals in textile finishing processes, ecodesign, or industrial symbiosis, among others.

During these years, the results of these projects have been widely disseminated in different international forums, with the objective of promoting the good practices of the cluster members. Several webinars and work sessions with the members have also been organized.

On the other hand, the cluster accompanies its members in their initiatives to implement circular economy actions: 4 companies have already finished their co-funded projects by the Waste Agency of Catalonia (ARC) with the support of AEI Tèxtils.

Thanks to the expertise acquired in these 8 years and the member’s trust, 6 new projects presented at the Promotion of Circular Economy 2021 call from ARC have been approved.

Two of these projects are directly coordinated by AEI Tèxtils in collaboration with different stakeholders to develop sectoral guides and communication activities aimed at the implementation of sustainable measures focused on circular economy:

-          TEXSOSPACK: study to promote the implementation of sustainable packaging in the advanced textile materials’ sector, in collaboration with the Packaging Cluster and LEITAT Technological Center.

-          CIRCULAR.Tè The Circular Marketplace of advanced textile materials in Catalonia, in collaboration with FITEX, Elisava and Intexter.


Four projects are led by cluster members: Hilaturas Arnau, LIASA, Polisilk and C.P. Aluart, to analyse individual improvement actions and the circularity of their products and services. AEI Tèxtils collaborates in several tasks within the framework of these 4 projects.

Once again, the cluster is positioned as a catalyst to promote initiatives that foster the sustainability in the sector and demonstrates its potential to contribute to circularity and the fight against climate change.

Video: Cluster initiatives towards the green transition  

Cluster organisation
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