The HempClub partners met in France to participate in a face-to-face training

Submitted by Sara Daniotti on 17 May 2023


Last week the HempClub partners met in Angers (France) to visit flagship entities and participate in a training session. During the event, Vegepolys Valley (Angers, France) - a competitiveness cluster gathering together firms, research and training centers in the plant field - hosted the HempClub partners.

During this meeting, we have the opportunity to know more about Vegepolys Valley and its success stories and to hear about some important projects in the Bioeconomy sector, such as RuralBioUp, BioRural and ScaleUp projects.

Here the HempClub partners had a face-to-face training organized by Innoconsult. The training aims to prove the importance of teamwork, collaboration and communication. Teamwork can effort several advantages that working solo can’t provide. Trust, communication, accountability and mutual respect are the key aspect of good teamwork.

A special thanks to Vegepolys Valley to host and show us its reality, to Daniel Cosnita and Flaviu Iorgulescu for teaching us important aspects of people management,and finally to all HempClub partners for committing to an in-person meeting.

Cluster organisation
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