GEN.ERA Project

Submitted by Roberta Lauro on 11 February 2021


GEN.ERA is a project where five EU life Sciences clusters and agency partners join and share their international competences and know-how to improve the scale-up of European companies (Start-ups and SMEs) involved in the genomics value chain apply to healthcare, by a facilitated and successful collective access to a targeted global market.

GEN.ERA is a genomic-related project. Genomics is the study of the complete set of DNA within an individual. Knowledge of individuals’ genetic make-up can help understand their predisposition toward certain genetic diseases, inform the best course of treatment and contribute to precision medicine, gene therapies and so on. These advanced applications of genomics have only recently become a possibility due to the exponential decline in the cost of genome sequencing, large scale public sector and pharmaceutical investment.

The consortium is formed by five bioclusters:
GIP Genopole (later Geno, France)
Distretto Campania BioScience (CBIOS, Italy)
Tartu BT Park OÜ (later TBP, Estonia)
Turku Science Park Ltd (later TScP, Finland)
East-Netherlands Development Agency (later OOST, Netherlands).

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