The fifth Virtual Working Mission took place

Submitted by Alba ALVAREZ on 21 December 2021


On Wednesday 17th of November 2021, under the event name: “VIRTUAL WORKING MISSION: CHILE” the CWP held a virtual event to deepen in the Chilean market and tools to internationalize in this country. The main focus of the session were the water sector and the smart cities. During the event cluster Staff, SMEs, regional actors and other stakeholders participated. Mercè Martín Goula, International Cluster Manager on the CWP, started the event with a short introduction and welcome, afterwards she introduced the CWP cluster history and regional ecosystem and experience in internationalization projects. After this introduction, Víctor Mercè i Barja - Team Leader Public international Procurement -International business unit- ACCIÓ- gave us some insights of the Chilean market and the country and some clues to internationalize in Chile. To conclude with the first part of the sessions, Lionel Quezada, Commercial Director in Suez Chile introduced one of the most important water companies in Chile, Suez Chile, and went deepend in the water sector in Chile. During the second part of the session three companies and one technological center, all of them with wide expertise in the Chilean market, were invited to explain their best practices in Chile, the first one was Lacroix, with their Area Sales Manager in LATAM, Miguel Angel Dominguez , then AMPHOS 21 with Lara Duro the company’s CEO, then the technological center Leitat with Sergio Ibáñez Pérez, Senior Consultant, and to conclude CREATECH 360º with Albert Vilardaga President & Co-founder of the company. The event concluded with an Q&A time.
GSSC project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

Cluster organisation
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