Business Avenues


Call for application: EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission to Indonesia and Singapore. Healthcare & Medical Technologies

In 2020, the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in Healthcare & Medical Technologies to South East Asia will take place from 6 to 11 September. Singapore & Indonesia are the markets targeted for this mission, thanks to the growth opportunities available for foreign companies. The 50 European...

Call for application. The fourth EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission to Korea - Green Energy Technologies

Deadline: 18 October, 2019 Are you interested in applying for the Green Energy Technologies Business Mission to Korea? Are you seeking more information about the EU Gateway to Korea coaching approach, the standard and customised services, the promotion of your company in Korea, the Business Mission...

Extended deadline for EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in ICT to Singapore and Thailand: open to clusters!

3 European cluster managers have the opportunity to participate in the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in Information & Communication Technologies to Singapore and Thailand, from 25-30 June 2018. Once selected by the European Commission, European cluster managers will travel to Singapore...