best practices

Support programme

Campaign - Stop spoiling!

Launched in 2016 by Ademe, the campaign 'Stop spoiling!' (campagne 'ça suffit le gâchis!') aims to inform citizens, companies and public institutions on the impact of waste and how to reduce all its forms. The website provides tailored information for different audiences. In particular, companies...
Support programme

Sustainability Management for SMEs

Provides companies with checklists, contact information, guidelines and good-practice examples in the economy, ecology and social sustainability.
Support programme


The Cleantool provides assistance in assessing and planning metal surface cleaning processes through a database of good practice examples. These processes were invented in small and big enterprises which means they have a proven track record.
Support programme

Green Network for Business

An online searchable database of organisations in Scotland that implemented resource efficiency measures. Each organisation is featured as a case study outlining the key measures, and carbon and cost savings. In addition, some organisations welcome site visits by others wishing to install similar...
Support programme

Circular economy case studies for SMEs

Case studies on advanced industrial symbiosis between companies aimed at helping regional SMEs make better use of waste streams, secondary raw materials, excess energy, spare room, etc. either by themselves or in partnership with neighbouring companies.
Support programme

Environmental Economic Benchmarking Database

The Environmental Economic Benchmarking Database (Ökobench) offers a tried-and-tested resource-efficiency benchmarking tool, developed with SME needs firmly in mind. They can identify good practices and processes by comparing their economic and environmental efficiency performance with benchmarks in...
Support programme

Best practice database

On-line database of successful resource efficiency projects carried out in manufacturing companies in Germany. It enables user to filter the best practices according to the region, industry branch, resources (energy, water, materials) and areas (production process, product design, monitoring...
Support programme

ABP Programme - money thrown in the window

In the framework of the ABP Programme, the KÖVET Association collects measures, projects and investments that are environmentally and economically advantageous. Through case studies, it shows that spending on environmental protection is not 'money thrown out the window', but can also be financially...
Support programme

SME Energy Guide

SME Energy Guide offers insights and tips to help businesses decrease their energy use. With the benchmarking calculator, a company can quickly find out whether it consumes more than average for the relevant sector. The data provided is anonymous and secure. Once the benchmark is established, the...
Support programme

Close the Loop - Guide for a circular fashion industry

Close the Loop is a tool that guides fashion entrepreneurs through the basics of a more sustainable and circular way of working. For each phase of a fashion product lifecycle (resources, design, production, retail, consumption, end of life), the tool formulates five resource-efficient strategies...
Support programme


The tool provides automated feedback, tips, comparisons and access to good practices on good waste management for SMEs. The feedback is based on the waste-production data of SMEs collected through the IMJV, an annual Flemish mandatory survey on environmental performance from the Flemish government.
Support programme

BMIX - Business Model Innovation Grid

This tool aims to inspire businesses to incorporate environmental and social considerations into their core business model. It provides eight basic sustainability strategies categorised under technological, social and organisational themes with focus on resource efficiency aspects (in particular...