Green transition

Policy toolkit item

Integrated national energy and climate plan for the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2021 to 2030

THe Integrated national energy and climate plan for the Republic of Croatia (2021-2030) is aligned with the European Green Deal Strategy objectives. It refers to specific national goals regarding decarbonisation, energy efficiency, energy security, single energy market, research, innovation and...

Policy toolkit item

Green Industry Guidance Catalog

To promote the agglomeration of green industries under the Green Industry Demonstration Base Policy of the Chinese Development and Reform Office, a Green Industry Guidance Catalog is published (the latest edition is 2019) to further clarify the leading industries of green industry demonstration...

Policy toolkit item

Circular Economy Pilot Cities/Eco-cities

Under the Circular Economy Pilot Cities projects, the Chinese government aims to build 'Eco-cities' that benefit from combining the cluster approach, green transformation, and socioeconomic development. For instance, one of the pilot cities in China, Tianjin is a collaboration effort between China...

Policy toolkit item


ZEBx was founded by the City of Vancouver. It is a platform that strengthens the public and private capacities for zero emission buildings in Vancouver and British Columbia and uses a collaborative model unique to the building industry. The main beneficiaries are developers, industry associations...

Policy toolkit item

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) helps Canadian companies develop and deploy competitive, clean technology solutions, to solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges: climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil. SDTC does this through funding, knowledge...

Policy toolkit item

Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans is applicable to the six Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. The main actions concern: (1) climate action, including decarbonisation, energy and mobility, (2) circular economy, addressing...

Policy toolkit item

EUSAIR Strategy

The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) is a macro-regional strategy adopted by the European Commission and endorsed by the European Council in 2014. The Strategy was jointly developed by the Commission and the Adriatic-Ionian Region countries and stakeholders.The EUSAIR covers...

Policy toolkit item

Danube Region Strategy (Protecting the Environment)

The second pillar of the Danube Region Strategy focuses on the environmental protection with activities for a greener Europe by supporting water quality, addressing and preventing environmental risks, and supporting biodiversity, flora and fauna and natural landscapes. Although the strategy does not...

Policy toolkit item

Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot

Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot is an industrial innovation programme targeted at Flemish universities, research institutes and industries to develop breakthrough technologies for new climate-friendly processes and products. The Flemish government identified its cluster policy as a potential...

Policy toolkit item

Circular Wallonia

The Belgium region of Wallonia has adopted the Walloon Strategy for the deployment of the circular economy “Circular Wallonia”. The strategy enables Wallonia to respond to several challenges: promoting a sustainable recovery of the economy, reducing the impact of economic activities on the...

Policy toolkit item

Circular Flanders

Circular Flanders is the hub for the Flemish circular economy, launched in 2017 by the Regional Government of Flanders, Belgium, to ensure transition to the circular economy by 2050. It is a partnership of regional and local governments, companies, civil society, and other organisations (including...

Policy toolkit item

Brussels Regional Programme for Circular Economy

The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region adopted the Brussels Regional programme for a Circular Economy 2016 – 2020 (BRPCE), with a budget of EUR 12.8 million for the year 2016. The BRPCE is an integrated strategy involving 111 measures aimed at fostering circular patterns at regional level...