
Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is the main Italian matchmaking and update event on topical issues in Life Sciences. The fourth edition of the event, which, over time, has acquired significant international participation, will be held in Turin from 11 to 13 October 2017 at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra.

The event will be divided into three working days, during which business meetings, networking activities pitching sessions, thematic workshops and, at the end, a convention on the industry’s key trends and innovation strategies will take place.

The fourth edition of the initiative is sponsored by Confindustria Piemonte and the local innovation centre of excellence in the healthcare sector, BioPmed, managed by Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero S.p.A, in partnership with the Piedmont Region and the Torino Chamber of Commerce, and in collaboration with the National Technology Platform for Life Sciences, ALISEI, Fit for Health 2.0 and national and international members of Enterprise Europe Network - established by the European Commission in 2008 to support the growth, innovation and internationalisation of businesses, especially SMEs, currently present in over 60 European and non-European countries. The organisation of the event also involved the collaboration between representatives of the territorial systems and the main representative associations of the businesses in the sectors of reference.

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