Virtual Cluster Car, the new commercial tool of augmented reality to promote the Sector

Submitted by Borja Dapena G… on 29 November 2018

The Virtual Cluster Car is a commercial tool of augmented reality, developed by CEAGA, to promote the technological and productive capacities of the suppliers of the Automotive Sector of Galicia.

It is an attractive, flexible and easy-to-use application for the entire network of suppliers of the main value chain and the auxiliary industry.

It represents an opportunity for companies to show, in an agile way and in line with the latest technological trends, their most representative products in augmented reality and in 3D, with the aim to attract the attention of potential customers.

The application allows you to search, through a demonstration vehicle in augmented reality, the components or parts produced by each supplier. Selecting the module or function of interest (seats, electrical wiring, motor, etc.), the application shows the companies involved in its manufacture and offers information about each company and the components it produces, visualizing them in 3D and in augmented reality.

There is also a section about the auxiliary industry to know the products and services offered by these companies in various categories: logistics, transport, supplies, maintenance, etc.

The Virtual Cluster Car also aims to promote the Automotive Sector of Galicia. It offers updated general information to highlight the strengths of a competitive sector with a global character.

Starting in November, a plan will be launched for the diffusion of the ”Virtual Cluster Car” for the purchasing managers of the main vehicle manufacturers and first level suppliers.

The initiative Virtual Cluster Car is subsidized by Igape, through the Galicia Exporta Organismos Intermedios 2017 Program, an operation co-financed by the Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Plan Foexga 2017-2018.

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