Submitted by ROTARU Flaviana on 03 February 2021

New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing (NE4HEALTH) promoted the good practices individually identified by the partners in terms of #international business development, reinforcing the #impact of the common #analysis for determining the strengths and weaknesses. This #joint methodology represents a major pillar for building the #market intelligence capabilities, piloted to conclude a thorough #assessment of the #internationalisation potential of the Targeted Third Countries. In this respect, the #intervention capacities will be allocated according to the #development perspectives, considering the expected outcomes and the mechanisms for achieving the assumed objectives.

The good practices will be instrumentalized in the light of the #transferable potential, there will be operationalised the elements required for the lowest #adaption level in the targeted countries. Nominally, 15 good practices will be selected by the project partners, to augment the #awareness related to competencies and the potentiality in #electronics and #health. The démarche will be concluded with the creation of the Good Practices Handbook, reuniting the contributions resulted from the cycle of #exchange, know-how transfer, as well as #research and development.

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