Germany: Hackathon to develop ideas

By: Nina Hoppmann
Created: 31 March 2020 - 06:03
Updated: 1 April 2020 - 10:04

On the weekend of 20-22 March, the German Government organised a hackathon to create a digital space to develop, test and improve solutions for emerging challenges. Nearly 43.000 people participated. The hackathon represented a starting point for an ongoing participatory process. The federal government is working to establish a digital support program to ensure that the solutions can have the greatest possible impact during the current crisis.

You find all information on the hackathon´s idea, its process and its initiators here: 

Nina Hoppmann
22 May 2020

The German government announced it will put €1.5 million in to fund 34 projects from the COVID-19 hackathon. Amongst the winners is Print4Life, which uses 3D printers to make medical equipment, and the Explain_Corona4Kids project, providing facts and prevention information for children. (in German)

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