The COVID-19 response forum is now closed for comments. However, you can still review discussions that have taken place so far and get access to the communities collective knowledge and the responses to COVID-19 (private and public measures, initiatives, technologies and much more).

If you are a registered cluster organisation or project with a validated profile you can continue to publish COVID19 related content on your profile. Instruction on how to add articles and events can be found in the ECCP User Guidelines.

Users who do not have a validated profile will be able to publish content on the new ECCP website set to launch on 29 June 2020. Until then, please get in contact with us at covid-content-team [at] to share your COVID-19 response information (solutions, open calls, events and webinars). Please prepare your news in a ‘ready to publish’ format (title, text body, links to external pages), as in previous articles published on the COVID-19 Webpage.