The Towards Green Transition Facility winners are announced!

Submitted by Imogen Allan on 03 May 2021

The ‘Towards Green Transition’ Facility is an initiative by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and financed by the European Commission which enables clusters registered at the ECCP to promote green transition skills amongst their members through technical advisory support from highly qualified advisors.

The types of technical support range from one-on-one teaching, guidance documents and direct consultancy to workshops and webinars. Launched in February, the call for applications closed on 5 March and the winners have now been selected.

We are pleased to announce the following clusters who will receive support for their green initiatives:

  1. Cluster AEC, Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção, Portugal
  2. TECES, Slovenian Energy Cluster, Slovenia
  3. Venetian Cluster, Italy
  4. AEI Tèxtils, in consortium with ATEVAL, CS-POINTEX, The Portuguese Textile Cluster (CITEVE) and TECHTERA, Portugal
  5. Cluster Energy Technology Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
  6. Cluster Lombady Green Chemistry Association-LGCA, Italy
  7. Balears.t - Clúster d’Innovació Tecnològica en Turisme de les Illes Balears, Spain
  8. Materalia and CMAV (Advanced Materials Clusters), France and Spain
  9. DITECFER District for Rail Technologies, High Speed, Networks' Safety & Security, Italy
  10. Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto, Italy
  11. Asociación Cluster Alimentario de Galicia (Clusaga), Spain
  12. Green Synergy Cluster, Bulgaria
  13. Maritime Technology Cluster FVG – mareFVG and Liguria Cluster for Marine Technologies – DLTM, Italy
  14. Cleantech Cluster Lithuania, Lithuania
  15. Wood Industry Cluster, Slovenia
  16. AQUIMER, France
  17. Cluster Sofia Knowledge City, Bulgaria
  18. Renewable Energy Sources Cluster/RES Cluster, Bulgaria
  19. Associació Catalana Clúster de la Indústria de l’Esport, Spain
  20. Asociación IdiA, Spain
  21. Plastiwin, Belgium
  22. JIC, Czech Republic
  23. Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V., Germany
  24. CONFAPI SARDEGNA-Associazione delle Piccole e Medie Industrie della Sardegna, Italy
  25. Fundacja Rozwoju Lubelszczyzny / Co-ordinator of Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster, Poland

The intended benefits of the Facility include improved resource efficiency, support and best practices for greener and more efficient supply chains. The advisory activities are envisaged to last for a maximum of five months, and the advisors will be experts in training businesses to improve their sustainability and resource efficiency. The delivery of technical support will start in the coming weeks.

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