Last update date 10 February 2022

Description of measure

As part of the innovative strategy to support the internationalization of businesses, on 9 March 2021 the “digital TEM voucher” call for proposals was launched. The programme, launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in favor of small Italian businesses and managed by Invitalia (National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development), aims to employ specialized figures - Temporary Export Managers (TEM) with digital skills - to accompany and enhance internationalization processes.

The voucher is intended for small enterprises in the manufacturing sector, with less than 50 employees, which need professional assistance to start or increase their projection on foreign markets. Networks between micro and small enterprises are also eligible.

The voucher amounts to €20,000 per company and rises to €30,000 if the objectives of increasing export turnover and the share of exports in total turnover are achieved . In order to use the voucher, companies will have to conclude internationalization consultancy contracts with TEMs or TEM companies registered on the Ministry's special list. The services must be provided under a management consultancy contract lasting 12 months for micro and small enterprises and 24 months for networks.

In particular, Temporary Export Managers’ consultancy must be aimed at supporting internationalization processes through:
 analysis and research on foreign markets;
 identification and acquisition of new clients;
 assistance in internationalization contracts;
 increasing presence on e-commerce platforms;
 integration of online marketing channels;
 advanced management of logistics flows.

Territorial validity
Strategic challenges