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The annual PIC Meeting is the most important Cluster Event in the plant production industry in Europe. It aims at fostering innovation in plant production and at creating a common agenda to support the international development of Plant clusters and their members.

PIC2021 Leading Italian and European regions for agriculture production and innovation, Emilia-Romagna’s Agrifood Clust-ER and the Department of Agriculture of the Tuscany Region will illustrate how they have invested in and worked with demonstrative capacity to ensure the diffusion of innovative solutions for and from plant production. Two main themes will underpin the discussions: Bio-based innovation for/from plant production High-tech zero carbon footprint horticulture Contributions from over 20 experts from both public and private sector organisations, from across Europe will help shed light on 21st century key challenges for plant production and how they are tackled.

Choose from a menu of options to build your own schedule! All in one single platform, PIC2021 offers a range of events:

  • 2 Matchmaking events to exchange with speakers and participants in 1-to-1 Meetings   
  • 2 Conferences: 
  • Bio-based innovation for/from plant production
  • High-tech zero carbon footprint horticulture
  • 4 Field Visits of key innovators from the host Regions Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany: DemoFarms and Research centres
  • 1 Workshop to identify potential projects and partners

Why participate?

  • To keep up with the latest breakthroughs in the field of crop enhancement
  • To visit leading regional organisations
  • To showcase your know-how / expertise / technology or product
  • To stay up-to-date with the latest European calls for proposals (Horizon Europe primarily)
  • To find the right technology, R&D and business partners
  • To share and promote your projects / ideas

Location and date

Virtual Event

Cluster organisation
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