Support Programme


MethaN-Action - support for methanisation projects in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Food processing
best practices, financial support, Training
Target group:
Energy Waste
Where is this support available:

The MethaN-Action project is a regional support programme which helps farms in their methanisation projects in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in partnership with Ademe, the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the regional Cuma federation and the technology centre, APESA.

The idea is to centralise information and expertise on methanisation/anaerobic digestion, and to act as a one-stop-shop for public fund applications; templates, grant application files, contacts of local actors and experts, guides on biomass and so on are available on the website. Once a company joins the programme, it is accompanied throughout all stages, from the feasability study, financing and administrative procedures, to help with training during implementation, and results monitoring.