Support Programme


Joint Technology Initiative - Bio-based Industries

All sectors
financial support
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Energy Materials
Where is this support available:

The public-private partnership 'Bio-based Industries' (BBI) was set up as a Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) under Horizon 2020 with a  budget of € 3.7 billion for the period 2014-2020. It focuses on the recycling and conversion of non-edible parts of plants, such as agricultural and forestry residues and wood, as well as biodegradable waste, into various bio-based products and biofuels.for these JTIs. 

The funding rules of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme generally apply. Above all, funding is provided for market-oriented research and development that creates prototypes and demonstrators with cross-sector applicability and thus contributes to important social goals.