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The Space Endeavour project is hosting the third edition of Design Studio with technology start-ups and space tech experts to integrate state-of-the-art technologies into their offering and compete for a space on their 2-month acceleration programme.

Tech entrerepeneurs and start-up founders are invited to apply for the final event organized under the Space Endeavour project,  to apply their background and training to create strong business cases which can benefit from cross sector synergies.

About the Design Studio

Stakeholders from space and digital industries, tech investors and mentors will be working together to identify new product applications. 

What do participants achieve:

By the end of these sessions, the start-ups involved as well as the scientific teams will have had the opportunity to:

  • access the latest in space technologies
  • design new technological solutions and commercial models;
  • reinforce and improve their own value proposition;
  • receive strategic advice from expert mentors;
  • develop new synergies with other teams or founders

Successful SMEs, start-ups and founders will gain the opportunity join the shortlist of companies involved in the intensive 2-month acceleration programme starting in May 2021, where not more than 10 space technology startups, in different stages of maturation but with equal growth ambitions, will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of tech experts, business coaches, mentors and potential strategic partners to grow their business globally.

This European Union funded project is free for all to participate and ensures that the programme remains equity-free as always.

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