Before filling in this profile, please make sure your organisation fits the cluster definitions and validation criteria as outlined on this page.
Note that these validation criteria will not need to be fulfilled if your organisation is already part of a cluster programme with different requirements.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

These criteria can be waived if the CO is part of a cluster programme with different requirements. In this case, the applicant is invited to complete the field "Regional/National Support Programmes" and provide details about the cluster programme under which it operates.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure the organisation is a member of the cluster organisation in question.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure that there is a clear cluster-related dimension to the project.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure that the scope of the organisation is consistent with a National Cluster Organisation, associating cluster organisations at national level.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure that the cluster organisations included in the meta-cluster / network are consistently profiled on the ECCP and that the scope of the organisation is consistent with a Meta-Cluster or Cluster Network, meaning formal collaborative agreements between cluster organisations.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure that the scope of the organisation is consistent with a Policy or Public Institution working with clusters, meaning that they are a policy managing or implementing authority and/or have a clear role in working with cluster organisations.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure that the scope of the organisation is consistent with Resource Efficiency Support Provider.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

Before filling in this profile, please verify your organisation does not already have a published profile on the ECCP and information provided is broadly consistent with what is publicly available on the website.
For this profile type make sure that the scope of the organisation is consistent with a Training Provider relevant for clusters, meaning that the training materials cited/linked from their profile demonstrate experience in facilitating access to training and coaching support tailored to the needs of cluster actors.
By ticking this box, you agree to the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Data Protection Notice.

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