Energy awareness campaign: small actions but big energy savings

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General Energy
Investment cost:
Low cost
Low cost
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)
Training and communication are important tools when you want to make sure that the measures to increase the efficiency of energy use are implemented successfully.
Train and guide personnel in energy use and energy saving activities in their everyday work in order to achieve company-level goals to increase energy efficiency. Campaigns and theme weeks can be used to support communication and training. Increasing the energy awareness of personnel means showing them how their everyday activities at work consume energy and that small changes can result in big energy savings.
In Finland, Motiva organises national Energy Awareness Week every year. The large-scale theme week functions as a platform for training personnel and communicating with customers. Energy Awareness Week has been organised for more than ten years in Finland, and hundreds of businesses and corporations participate every year. These include industry, enterprises, energy companies, municipalities and cities of varying sizes, service-providers, commercial businesses, schools, and hospitals. The Week encourages personnel to use energy sensibly, and includes campaigns on energy saving opportunities aimed at customers of the companies.
Organisations can either join an existing Energy Awareness campaign or create one of their own, which can involve several steps:
  • Identifying potential energy saving opportunities in everyday activities
  • Collecting data to highlight energy waste
  • Communicating where and how staff can improve, emphasising concrete individual steps to meet wider targets
  • Collecting data and communicating progress during and after the campaign to motivate employees
Campaigns and theme weeks are a great way to engage employees in saving energy as part of their everyday work, and simultaneously show customers the proactive steps being taken in the organisation.

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