

Within the SAE initiative, the DigiFed Innovation Action aims to foster and promote the digitalization of the European industry in the field of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) & Embedded Systems. For this, DigiFed has built and relied on its DIH-network and ecosystem. To contribute to this network and ecosystem, DigiFed is glad to invite you to its Second DigiFed DIH-Ecosystem Event, the coming 8th of November.

This activity will be virtual and will focus on:

• comprehensively understanding the different services provided by DIHs, value proposition brought to their users, and required resources. Based on this information,

• we will explore complementary collaboration opportunities for the development of new value proportions and services between DIHs as well as EDIH applicants, thus supporting the creation of so-called collaboration-corridors.

We are looking forward to creating a fruitful instance in which (E)DIHs may benefit and achieve fruitful collaboration. We consider your contribution essential to achieve this objective and are also looking forward to your participation.

Further information and registration can be found in: https://eveeno.com/343990029

Location and date

Virtual Event

Cluster organisation
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