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The logic and practicalities of supporting cluster development as relevant for economic development will be examined. This 4-week programme will support your pathway for effective cluster development and understanding within your organisation.

The webinar course will be delivered over the course of 4 weeks, starting on the 11th May 2021. Each session is an hour and a half long, running from 9.30 am to 11am. The first session, 11th May 2021, will cover the what and the why of Cluster Development. Session two, 18th May 2021, looks at Cluster Development in practice – ‘the How?’. Our third session, 25th May 2021, is about joining the dots when it comes to Cluster Engagement. The final session, 1st June 2021, focuses on exploring Cluster Engagement plus a number of topics tailored to the collective needs of the participants.

The programme fee includes a personal copy of Ifor’s 240-page Cluster Development Handbook, which will be emailed in advance to all course participants. Chapters will be identified as prior reading during the week’s sessions. Each session will be interactive, with Q&A.

Tickets for this 4-week Cluster Development Programme are €450 for non-members & €300 for Cluster Centre members

Location and date

Virtual Event

Cluster organisation
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